But lately I have been getting back into the groove of things (Kupowers gone, boring again) and I have got a few requests that I would like to talk about and what their current status is.
In this post I will talk about:
1)What happened to the Erniegang sword?
2)Tachi: Yukikaze remake?
3)How can I make it so weapons do not disappear when I cast spells?
4)Current Projects/Thoughts
1) Ok so First Off the Erniegang. This was created from the Elvaan M NPC Only weaponskill "Cruel Riposte". When I first figured out how to start/kill effects through schedules, I really wanted to show people what was possible. Glowing weapons was always a thing high on my priority list of "What to figure out next", so this was kinda a big thing for me.
The thing about glowing weapons is that effects can not be 'weighted' (wont follow) weapons themselves. I guess effects run on a different weight system, so it can only be put on both hands, both eyes, head, body, and some variations in position on the hands. So in order to have glowing weapons it was essential that I figure out how to Start and Kill effects.
This could in theory be fixed by triggering the effects when the weapon is pulled out AND when the weapon is used to attack, thus it will trigger the effect every time you swing, however I do not know if prolonged battles with constant hitting will cause the effect to stack over and over on itself until it lags you into oblivion. I will be testing this in the near future however because there have been some requests to see this dat coming back to life.
Another problem I had with it, is making it work with the sub-hand. If I release it, of course it needs a sub-hand counterpart. But as I said before, weighting the effects to a weapon is not possible, and in fact the main&sub placements do not have matching positions. Thus the effects of the sub-hand will start lower down on the sword than on the main hand. It may not be noticeable or delay-worthy to some people, but for me it bugs me to no end. Also the weighting for Galka and Elvaan M is equal, however I will need to make even more effects for it to work with other races.
Above is a picture of an Alexander move on Galka. As you can see all the lightning takes place in front of his hand on the 'main' sword weight.
This one shows the same exact effect working on Mithra. Just by looking at it you can tell what is main sword for one race, is not for another. Thus, to truly finish Erniegang, a few more things need to be made.
2) Ok for Tachi:Yukikaze I would like to release this as it does work fine in game, however I do find that it crashes the game in Campaign if there is a spam of people. I don't know if this is just my computer or what, but if you would like to test it for me on your super computer of doom, send me a PM on FFXIDats. That's really the only reason why I havent released it.
3) This one I just recently figured out when working with dances. I noticed that dancing had 2 schedules inside of it called "Hide" and "Show". These had no visible effects so I deduced they must be.. hiding and showing something. Taking them out and testing in game, sure enough it did not hide my weapons while dancing. (Would work great with my dancer fans amirite?!) So I checked in 0.DAT for the same hex and found it in hwmg which I recognized from editing casting effects. Changing this did in fact make it so the weapons wouldn't disappear, however tarutarus weapons flip upside down, so its kinda odd.
It can be done on a race to race basis, but doing an edit of 0.dat will make it quick and easy for all races. I will write about HOW to do this in my next entry (probably).
4) Lastly what I'm currently working on. Although I have been busy fishing in the game, I have been working on a couple things. Recently I released 2 different 'dance' packs.
This one changes Hume M dances into Blue mage spells. It was on request, was kinda a weird request, but you know... yeah, you know.
This one branched off of my dance effects that some of you may have seen in one of my random mishmash videos. Basically it still shows the effects of dances, however it does not trigger a motion, thus you can continue to run away from a monster/whatever you do, saves a lot of time.
Anyways, I have been working more with glows and whatnot, hopefully I will have more interesting things to post about here soon. I am still looking for a way to get transparency to work, so hopefully sometime I can figure that out.
I have been promising a hex guide for a long time now, and so I will likely start that guide here in a couple of posts. Then after it is complete I will condense it and post it on FFXIDats. I will do my best to make it as easy as possible. Before starting on hex I knew nothing about it, so don't think that you have to be some kind of rocket scientist in order to figure it out, just have to keep at it and read what I say carefully.
I'll try to give examples so you can follow along instead of just 'explaining'.
Anyways, thanks for reading (If you actually read the whole thing o. O) I will try to get Pixel to post whatever he wants to post soon. The first post is always the longest I suppose! Seeya soon!
Mooshy! I wondered where you vanished to, after we talked in Bastok Markets [S] ...
Looks like some very cool stuff on here in the works, although I should bother you about Monberaux re-skinning and some odd 3D tearing issues, haha.
My "super-de-dooper computer of doom" for testing is at your service, of course. I'll either have to make an FFXIdats account for that PM, or if you still have the tarutaru Mooshywooshy account, please feel free to send me a POL message.
lol So I cant PM you if I'm a Galka!? /cry!
So... does that mean you made a dancing exploit? You're saying it saves time, so it effectively enables your character to do stuff you couldnt do if the motion would happen? o_O
It matters how you look at it really. On the download page I put a warning that some might think its an 'exploit' because it does allow you to continue to run while you are curing.
However this same effect can be made in game by simply switching gear with a macro in game to cancel the dancing animation. So it all comes down to how you look at it!
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