Current Drama and Findings!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Ok so its been a few days, busy ones for me, and I dont know wut days for Pixel. Maybe you've heard he wants to stop his role in the dat editing community! Well it is a sad thing, and I wish I could shed some light as to why for you people, but I dunno. He's just been acting weird and emo lately, maybe its that time of the month.

But anyways, he was supposed to do his first post and Hex Tutorial #2 for you, which haven't come around so I figured I would just make an update post on what I have been up to lately and what I have found recently.

So first I'd like to talk about my current projects! As you might know (hopefully... please know! Oh god you hate me..) I recently released the Erniegangs upon the world!

This was a huge huge project that spanned multiple months for me! It started out as just one of those ideas I had when I saw Cruel Riposte. It could be compared to "Wouldnt that be cool if my cape was on fire while I was in town while my ass exploded with rainbows and unicorns?". But after a long bit of work, I figured out how to attach it to the engage/disengage schedules for attacks.

This was fine and all but always in the back of my head I wished more than anything that I could just attach effects to weapons. Some of you may remember me saying "It will never happen, its not possible"etc etc, but this is one of the few times that I am glad to eat my own words.

In my earlier post I showed you guys a comparison picture of Mithra and Galka on an Alexander effect. The effect would light up behind the Mithra hand, however the Galka was all in front of the hand. This got me thinking... The way I had always imagined it is that some core file that's structure is unfathomable is controlling the positions of these effects, but if this were true... 1 position would be the same for all races. (i.e. "Front of hand" should be the front of the hand regardless of Galka or Mithra)

So as I was fishing, the lightbulb upstairs turned on and I remembered something. Tenzen and Hume Male have the same exact skeleton (reason for Hume M having sheathe motions), however I remember one of the effects would follow Tenzens katana specifically instead of just his hand.

So I used the compare feature in HexWorkshop to compare the skeleton section of Tenzen and Hume M. This resulted in a paltry 3 differences. These differences were the key to the world. I copied and pasted these differences in the corresponding spots from Tenzen to Hume M skeletons and tested it out. Low and behold the effect followed the Katana of a normal Hume M. The mystery had almost been solved!

Quickly I opened my messenger to Dycro and asked him "Hurry what is the skeleton weight for GKT on Hume M? If you actually remember that, I will be scared" and then I opened up VRS figuring he'd be like "Shut up loser Im exping" He said Skeleton-7, which was correct in the end, and then he said shut up im exping... so we were both right in a sense.

Either way upon further investigation of the hex I noticed the section of hex that I copied over started with an 07, which in my mind instantly triggered "This is the weight". So I got the number for normal sword, changed it from decimal to hex, and plugged it in to see what would happen.

It worked! Finally after what... 4 years of modding this game, I figured it out. Some of you probably think 'meh' but this is really a huge thing for me! Discovering HQ textures was fine, Fabric was ok but didnt really go anywhere, some basic hex tricks meh, but this is a really exciting thing for me!

There are a few things that cant be changed however, the races Galka and Elvaan might face a hardship in this area because there are a limited amount of slots for effect positions. Think of it as 0123456789ABCDEF, Galka and Elvaan already use 012345678 for basic effects already in the game (Animated Flourish etc) so if you go and change them, some of your normal effects will start messing up and appearing in odd areas! The rest I actually had to add MORE spots into their skeletal files so they could go up to F, which is a good thing, the more empty spots the merrier.

Anyways enough of that. What I am working on now (Or will be after I take a breakybreak) will be more effect-on-weapons (Cant just release 1 and call it good!) and of course that darned Tachi:Yukikaze that I cant figure out why people want! Yukikaze shouldnt take long, just some copy pasting in hex of the motions and it should be done.

Also I have recently started leveling Beastmaster in game, and I would like to make this Axe pictured above from The Last Remnant. I guess because the blade goes all the way down around the handle makes me think its really cool! Also now that Effects are less troublesome I would like to try to recreate some of my favorite weapons in RF Online (That game was great fun!)

I was always so happy when I got to the point when I could use these weapons, they look so yummy, I want to eat the photons they are made out of!

But yeah, that's whats going on in my mind, if Pixel doesn't do it soon I'll probably just give up and write a guide on putting effects on weapons for Deo~ :p Anyways thanks for reading (or at least looking!) seeya!



Anonymous said...

Nice Job Mooshywooshy i cant wait to see more. over all you were one who inspired me into dat making.

PixelMoosh said...

Thanks man! You're a great modder yourself!

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